Groups at Memorial Lutheran Church

There are many opportunities for people of all ages to get involved in study and fellowship at Memorial. Some of these opportunities are listed below.  Contact the Church Office for more information, 713 782 6079

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Studies

Memorial has a strong tradition of Sunday morning and weekly adult bible study. We offer several Sunday bible studies, including Adult Instruction classes in the Fall, topical studies led by educated lay men, and other studies led by our pastors. All classes take place between services from 9:45 to 10:45, all year round.

Tuesday "Bagels and Bible" Study

7:30 to 8:15 AM Tuesday mornings -  Does not meet during the holidays


Tuesday Mid-Morning Bible Study

10:00 to 11:30 AM Tuesday mornings - Does not meeting during the holidays

Wednesday Christian Education Night (CEN) ;  We do not meet during the Summer, Advent or Lent

5:15 PM - Dinner

6:00 - 7:00 PM Class

Saturday Morning Men's Breakfast and Bible Study

The men of Memorial meet once a week most Saturday mornings for breakfast & bible study at 7:00 AM in Room 165. The study is normally led by Pastor Murray,  Vicar, or Keith Brda, and usually is on a topic of interest or based on readings from a specific book.  Does not meet Thanksgiving week, Christmas Day, New Year's Day or Saturdays when there is a holiday on Monday (Memorial Day & Labor Day). 


Sunday Junior Youth Group.  7th and 8th graders are invited to participate in our middle school youth activities.  JYF meets twice per month after Confirmation classes, when they are held, from 6:30 to 8 PM. We also have several special activities planned during the year. 


Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML)

Memorial has a young, active women's group and will hold their meetings on Sundays after late service. Meetings usually include lunch, devotions or bible study, presentations and some business. Our LWML group raises money through an annual sample sale and rummage sale to support missions here at Memorial and around the world. We are part of the Bayou City zone of the Texas District, and participate in the zone's annual spring and fall rallies.  

Women's Retreat

Memorial hosts an annual women's retreat, usually the weekend after Easter. The retreat, often held at adjoining beach houses at Surfside, Texas, includes opportunities for fellowship as well as a keynote speaker who addresses a topic of interest. Every other year, this event will be held on campus here at Memorial Lutheran Church in the Fellowship Hall. Between two and three dozen women from Memorial and some from other congregations participate each year.  

Men's Retreat

Memorial's annual men's retreat is usually held the 1st weekend of October at Camp Lone Star in LaGrange, Texas. The weekend is a great chance to fellowship with a couple dozen other men from Memorial and other congregations, do some shooting and engage a professor from one of our seminaries or colleges on a biblical topic.  


Adult Choir

Memorial's choir, under the direction of Pastor Ahlman, rehearses each week during the school year. The choir helps support the congregation's worship and is part of Memorial's rich liturgical music tradition. Rehearsals are normally Wednesday nights in the choir room.  

Hand Bell Choir

Memorial's hand bell choir participates in many Memorial services, especially during high festival seasons such as Christmas and Holy Week. Pastor Ahlman is always looking for those who can read music, keep a beat, and want to be part of Memorial's great music program.